Managed IT Services

Addressing IT Talent Attrition with On-Demand IT Staffing

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Net Friends

Many industries are concerned with the implications of the Great Resignation, and the technology sector is no exception. This mass exodus, also called the Great Attrition, has decision-makers strategizing with their HR executives to avoid a fate where less skilled and lower performing employees are what they are left with. Companies of all sizes are discovering how disruptive skilled talent gaps can be to their operations.

According to Gartner, 64% of tech executives view the shortage of IT professionals as a significant barrier. Talent availability is among the factors that block the adoption of new technologies designed to foster productivity and growth.

Let’s explore the challenges of this shortage and how outsourced IT staffing can be the best solution.

The Great Resignation & The Loss of IT Experts  

Source: Gartner

Global research shows that only 29.1% of IT specialists are highly likely to stay in their current jobs. The number is much lower across regions such as Asia (19.6%), Australia and New Zealand (23.6%), and Latin America (26.9%). Even in the best-performing region, Europe, only 38.8% of the surveyed workers have a high intent to remain in their current jobs within the IT industry.

This IT talent retention issue also varies by age. IT workers under 30 are 2.5 times less likely to stay in their current positions than those over 50. Furthermore, only 19.9% of IT professionals between 18 and 29 years have a high probability of staying, compared to only 48.1% of those between 50 and 70 years.

The loss of an essential IT professional in your company has far-reaching effects. This impact includes losing crucial information about your network, workflows, and expertise.

In 2021, Gartner surveyed 3,000 employees across several industries, job functions, and world regions. Their findings show that 65% of IT specialists indicated that workplace flexibility plays a significant role in their decision to stay. Adopting a data-driven approach is best to spotlight valuable IT professionals most at risk of talent attrition. Also, tailoring hybrid work policies will help keep them engaged and high-performing.

However, you may not be able to quickly adopt these strategies to retain an IT worker. And you may also lack the capacity and time to interview and train a new hire. What happens then? The outsourced IT staffing solution may be the easiest way to enjoy a seamless transition. This is especially true if the Managed Services Provider (MSP) has certified IT experts for various leading platforms, such as Palo Alto Networks, and a Microsoft Gold Partnership.

Relieving Talent Attrition with IT Staffing

Source: Clutch

Choosing to go the outsourced IT staffing route eases the burden on your current IT department. You can allocate the more time-consuming, routine tasks to your MSP and have your internal team focus on IT projects that were previously understaffed due to talent shortages.  

Some of the other benefits of outsourced IT staffing include:

Outsourced IT Services with Net Friends

The departure of IT specialists from the workplace does not need to cripple your company. By working with an expert Managed Services Provider (MSP), you can enjoy stability and growth. Our NetForce services offers on-demand IT staffing, predictable and affordable support, and a dedicated team to create customized IT support for your company’s requirements. Contact us today to discuss how we can help you leverage our outsourced IT staffing to maximize your productive capacity.

- IT Security Tips for Employee Offboarding
- Top 4 Scenarios Where You'll Need On-Demand IT Staffing
- Creating a Media Disposal Policy for Remote Workers

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