How would you answer the following questions?
- What’s the best cloud email security service for small businesses right now?
- Is there a cloud-based backup service that works on Mac and Windows, and doesn’t cost much?
- Is “security awareness training” a good value, and who are the big players in the market?
The correct answer:
“I don’t need to know these things – I have a NetVisor contract with Net Friends.”
If you’re exhausted just reading the questions above, congratulations, that’s normal. The technology that holds your business together gets more complex literally by the week. If you’ve been paying for IT support by the hour, you’ve been carrying the mental load of answering these questions. Or maybe you didn’t even know these were questions you were expected to answer (sorry!).
When you invest in an annual NetVisor service agreement with Net Friends, you shift the responsibility of answering these highly technical questions to us. That’s a load we’re happy to carry. We’ve been on the cutting edge of IT security and strategy for 23 years. We love to do the R&D work that our customers can’t do.
To deliver continuously improving service to our NetVisor customers without changing the monthly cost, we leverage six advantages that few customers (or competitors) can match:
- Proprietary industry information from Gartner Research helps us identify new technologies worth investigating.
- We arrange demos with multiple vendors – and we put our top techs in the meeting to ask tough questions.
- Products that pass this test get an intensive trial period in our in-house lab. We get to see what’s real and what’s just hype.
- Our Customer Success team weighs in with their combined 50+ years of sales experience. This gives us a reality check on what our customers actually value.
- All major technology platforms must go through a pilot program with our own staff. We work out the bugs and give ourselves the true end-user experience.
- We deliver the new platform to all customers at scale. We look for all possible ways to lower per-user costs, such as vendor partnerships, volume licensing, and automated deployment.
This battle-tested process is what lets us give our NetVisor customers a single monthly rate, guaranteed for up to three years, even while the NetVisor service itself gets better and better over time. That means our customers’ real cost per month decreases – they get more value per dollar the longer they stay in the contract.
Contact us to find out more about our NetVisor managed IT service. It’s always a good time to take a load off your mind.
Take IT Off Your To-Do List.
Tech holding you back? Losing productivity to downtime?
Discover how we can simplify your tech and free up your time, contact us today.
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